Welcome to Resource-smart Processes Spring Workshop!
27th of April 2023, Chalmers, Göteborg
The industrial research school Resource-smart Processes welcomes you to a Spring workshop where collaboration, finding connections and joint efforts stands in focus. After an overview of the research school’s projects and results in the morning, the afternoon will be dedicated to group discussions and activities aiming at creating stronger networks and collaborations.
The workshop is open for everyone who is part of the Resource Smart Processes program or who is associated to Treesearch. A get-together dinner will be organized on the 26/4 from 18:00.
The program might be updated at a later point.
09.00 Welcome
09.15 Poster pitches – the RSP projects will be represented in a 1 min poster pitch
09.45 Poster session, coffee and mingle
10.45 Working together – A practical example from FibRe
11.15 Converting a pulp mill into a biorefinery
11.45 Lunch
12.45 Group discussions 1
13.45 Coffee break
14.15 Group discussions 2
15.15 Summary of group discussion results
16.00 End of the workshop
Practical details for the workshop
When: 27th of April 2023. A get-together dinner will be organized on the 26th from 18.00.
Who can attend: All PhDs, postdocs, researchers and industry partners who are part of the Resource-smart Processes program, as well as everyone who is associated to the national collaboration platform Treesearch. You can also be an invited guest.
Cost: The workshop is free of charge.
Venue: Chalmers, Gothenburg
Questions or changes in your registration: For questions or changes please send a mail to info@resurssmarta.se